Old Pueblo Traders Has Such Contempt for Their Customers They Set You Up to be Robbed!

They're third party billing-scam THIEVES, so don't buy from Old Pueblo Traders!

They’re third party billing-scam THIEVES, so don’t buy from Old Pueblo Traders!

There’s a saying about us writers:

Don’t mess with a gal who buys ink by the gallon!

These days writers don’t use ink so much as we utilize the online fonts of cyberspace, but the basic message still applies.  If you screw over a writer, we know what to do with you: write about it!

The base inspiration for this blog post today is a company called Old Pueblo Traders that I had always previously respected.  A member of my immediate family has been ordering from Old Pueblo Traders since 1950 – long before I was born.  I grew up with their catalog coming to the house, regularly.  However, as much as we always respected Old Pueblo Traders, they don’t respect their customers in return.

They have been putting charges I never agreed to pay on my credit card – fifteen times!  Yes, fifteen times!  Can you believe this?  I hardly can, either!  

According to their paid stooges in their Customer Service Department, I allegedly “signed up for” their “VIP” program, and “allowed” them to gouge me out of a monthly “discount fee.”

Old Pueblo Traders, don’t even TRY it!

First, I do NOT believe in paying for discount memberships.  If you don’t believe me, ask the staff at any Barnes & Noble in Manhattan or Brooklyn.  Those people constantly try to get me into their “membership” program, giving me their sales pitch every single time I buy a book.  I forever say no.  I have no desire to pay for what would amount to a fake discount, since it would mean I’d covered it myself with the payment.  I wasn’t born last week…

Old Pueblo Traders’ situation is a lot more subtle – and criminally lethal.  I believe what they did to me involved a little box, already checked, on their site when you place your order with them in good faith.  If you don’t realize the box is checked, if you don’t uncheck the damned thing, they consider you “enrolled,” and then, they start billing you.

My relative who has done business with these clowns since 1950 is 88 years old and going blind.  Thank goodness she doesn’t know how to navigate the Internet, or these crooks would be stealing from her, too – and she’s on Social Security.

I just went on their site a moment ago to see what it’s like to try and place an order there, though you can be sure I did not complete it.  Currently they have a strange “OPT Credit Card” box on there, already checked for you.  They also have a “sign me up for email” box already checked, too.  Either one might be the way they try to sign you into their “VIP Club.”

They’ve done this before.  I found complaints about this vile company on the Internet.

To make matters even more outrageous, when I tried to find the name of the President & CEO of this Old Pueblo Traders cabal, it was nowhere to be found on the Internet.  Even the Bloomberg website didn’t have a listing for it.  How convenient is it that this thieving company that has so little respect for their customers that they rob them is hiding the name of its own President and CEO?

Did their unnamed, anonymous, concealed President and CEO, perchance, sign off on this Internet scam that they’re running?

Might the IRS not be a bit interested in a website that profits by making illegal charges of customers’ credit cards for memberships they don’t want or care to sign up for?

I will be getting a refund from Old Pueblo Traders for all fifteen of the bogus charges, but still.  Fair warning: customers need to stay far away from this company.  Oh – and by the way, according to their website, it’s not just Old Pueblo Traders that they do business as.

They are also affiliated with Orchard, Blair, Haband, Bedford Fair, Willow Ridge, The Outlet, Appleseed’s, The Tog Shop, Winter Silks, Norm Thompson, Sahalie, Linen Source, Solutions, Gold Violin and Home Forever.

To all of the above: you ALL need to be looked into by the Better Business Bureau, the IRS, and probably your local fraud squad, too.

Know what box I’ll be checking on this blog post?  It’s going under the category of CORRUPTION.

Ah, yes!  Never mess with a gal who buys ink by the gallon!







6 thoughts on “Old Pueblo Traders Has Such Contempt for Their Customers They Set You Up to be Robbed!

  1. Monica Wiant says:

    They are still running this scam. My elderly mother got taken in by it, too. I just filed a complaint with the CFPB. It’s deceptive marketing and elder abuse.


  2. Cheated Customer says:

    Old Pueblo Traders sent me a large misses fleece snap-front robe that was in reality a plus size that two of me could fit into. No large misses in the world is that big! Even though it was their mistake, and I asked them 3 times to not charge me $10 for return shipping, they charged me anyhow. They gave me a $20 refund instead of $30. I cannot remember feeling so robbed by a company and will NEVER again order from them or any of their sister companies even though I only lost a small amount of money.


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