Dr. Larry Nassar’s Newest Low: Listening to Victim Statements is “Too Mentally Taxing!”

Self-pitying Serial Abuser Larry Nassar, who could dish it out but can’t face hearing about it.

Just when you think the situation with this Dr. Larry Nassar pervert who molested 150+ girls can not possibly sink any lower, guess what?  Today, it did!

Now, the Nassar creep, who first was sitting in court hanging on to rosary beads – something that, as a Catholic, offended the Hell out of me – wrote a six-page-long letter to the judge.  He claimed that being subjected to the victim statements of girls he molested was “too mentally taxing” for him!

Oh, so it’s one thing for him to unprofessionally assault over one hundred and fifty girls, destroying their trust and having a terrible effect on their lives,  but then he can’t “handle” hearing them state the consequences of his actions?

I have heard some ridiculous lines of bull in my life, but this one is so bad, it clearly belongs in the Guinness Book of World Records.  Dr. Larry Nassar shouldn’t be sitting there in his prison jump suit clutching the rosary beads.  He should be wearing diapers with a pacifier in his mouth.  He’s that infantile.  Over a hundred and fifty assaulted girls later, he’s trying to paint himself as the victim here, when he isn’t.  He’s the victimizer, and one of the worst ones in criminal history.

Many of his employers/enablers, in my humble opinion, need to be hauled into courtrooms and prosecuted as well.  They don’t deserve a free pass.  Today USA Gymnastics finally announced they would no longer let the US Olympic Gymnastic Team train at the Karolyi Ranch, one of Nassar’s preferred places for finding children to prey upon.  I have read numerous scathing books and articles about other situations that were ongoing at the Karolyi Ranch as far back as the 1990s, so USA Gymnastics, your move today is good, but what took you so long?  

Nassar also worked at Michigan State University, where fourteen (14) officials were notified about his behavior over the years.  All fourteen did nothing.  They should be rounded up immediately and spirited away in handcuffs, each and every one, starting with the President of the college, Lou Anna Simon, who didn’t even show her face in the courtroom to hear the girls’ statements until there was an outcry about her absence.  Earlier today, despite calls for Lou Anna Simon to be fired, the Board of Directors at the college decided they should keep her on as President.  They couldn’t look worse.

I was never sexually abused as a child by an adult, but I was used as a scapegoat by a particularly vicious teacher, one who had a problem with a relative of mine that she took out on me.  I  didn’t realize that she had a serious substance abuse problem; years later, after I was out of her clutches, that finally came to light, and it turned out her co-workers had known about her instability all along but did nothing to stop her.  What useless, gutless people they were!  Contemptible.

At the time, I spoke out about her, but whenever I tried to be heard, I got treated dismissively. That’s the worst possible thing anyone can do to a child who is trying her level best to raise a red flag about an erratic and dangerous adult.  Note to the World:  children don’t make these complaints up.

Brava to the girls who are speaking out against Dr. Larry Nassar, the Karolyi Ranch, and Michigan State University!

As for Bela and Marta Karolyi, and Lou Anna Simon and the rest of the officials at Michigan State University: what the hell is wrong with all of you?

Disgraced: Marta and Bela Karolyi, Dr. Nassar’s employers.

Also disgraced, yet given a free pass to remain a college President: Lou Anna Simon of Michigan State University.  Reprehensible!