It’s Springtime!

It’s finally Springtime! Vernal equinox happened last night, shortly after eleven p.m. Today is the first full day of Spring, my favorite season.

This winter was colder than usual. I spent a lot of my free time indoors, writing. I wrote two books in a row, as a result, and already started on a third, and I’m delighted to do so, but being inside so much hasn’t exactly been ideal, to put it mildly.

Anyway, things should be warming up now!

I’m sharing one of my favorite poems celebrating the season. It’s by Robert Browning and I’ve loved it since the first time I ever read it in a tenth grade English class at good old Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School.


Viva la Spring!

One of my favorite poems has always been Robert Browning’s wonderful “Song from Pippa Passes”:

The year’s at the Spring,

And day’s at the morn;

Morning’s at seven;

The hillside’s dew-pearled;

The lark’s on the wing;

The snail’s on the thorn;

God’s in his heaven;

All’s right with the world!

After a winter like the one we’ve had in New York City, it couldn’t possibly be a more appropriate poem to celebrate the Spring.  Here is a Spring photo that I took this morning.  I kind of can’t quite believe it yet that winter is, indeed, over – and Spring is really here!  To see some additional photos of New York in this, my favorite season, please check out my Fine Art Photography website here:

Rejoice, it's Spring!

Rejoice, it’s Spring!